Many people think they “should” be good at something. Whether it’s having patience, or strong communication skills, or better professional skills, there seems to be this idea that there is a benchmark for each stage in our life in regards to abilities, and yet these benchmarks are created internally. Almost as if we are failing at something while still learning, and then being harsh with ourselves as a result.
One of the things I like about yoga (no, I’m not a yoga pusher, I think it’s wonderful for me but I understand it’s not for everyone) is that you are never truly a “yoga master” or “good at yoga”. You are continually in a state of learning. It’s called a “yoga practice” because you are always within your learning process and developing at your own pace. It’s not a competition, the only thing that matters is what is happening on your own yoga mat.
Using the concepts of “practice” and “learning process”, can you think of spaces in your life where you are judging yourself harshly based on either an internal benchmark or comparisons with other people and what they are doing? Can you take a moment to look at what those internal benchmarks are really doing for you and allow yourself to remember that you are still in your learning process? What would it feel like to allow yourself to learn rather then expect yourself to know things right off the bat and then judge yourself for it?