Journal Prompt: How to Trust after Infidelity

Reflect on a time when you have experienced anxiety in a relationship, specifically as a result of being cheated on in the past. How did this experience affect your current relationship? How did you cope with these feelings of anxiety and trust issues? What boundaries did you establish to maintain the relationship?

Reflect on how your past experiences with infidelity have impacted your ability to trust in new relationships. What are some of the specific fears or anxieties that you have around trust, and how do they manifest themselves in your current relationships?

Next, consider what qualities or behaviors in a partner help you feel safe and secure in a relationship. Are there certain actions or words that signal to you that someone is trustworthy? What are the red flags that make you feel uneasy or suspicious?

Think about ways that you can build trust with a new partner. Are there specific actions or behaviors that you can take to show your partner that you are trustworthy, and to build a sense of security and safety in your relationship?

Finally, reflect on the benefits of trusting in a new relationship. What are some of the positive outcomes that can result from feeling secure and confident in your relationship, and how might this sense of trust impact your overall well-being and happiness?

Ideas for using boundaries to maintain the relationship:

  1. Establish clear communication: One way to use boundaries to maintain a healthy relationship is by establishing clear communication with your partner. Be honest with your partner about your anxiety and trust issues, and discuss what actions they can take to help alleviate these feelings. For example, you might ask your partner to check in with you more frequently or to be more transparent about their whereabouts.

  2. Practice self-care: Another way to use boundaries to maintain a healthy relationship is by prioritizing self-care. This might mean setting aside time for activities that help you feel relaxed and centered, such as yoga or meditation. Additionally, it might mean setting limits on how much time and energy you invest in the relationship. Remember, it's important to take care of yourself first, so that you can show up as your best self in the relationship.

Journal Prompt: Accountability in Goal Setting and Attaining

Accountability is crucial in achieving our goals and making progress towards our dreams.  In the past few weeks I’ve shared a lot of journal prompts around boundaries with ourselves and with others, and accountability is part of boundaries with ourselves. It requires a willingness to take ownership of our actions and the outcomes they produce. Write about a time when you struggled with accountability. What led to this lack of accountability, and how did it impact your progress? What steps did you take to regain control and become more accountable? Reflect on the importance of accountability in your life and how you can hold yourself accountable in the future.

Taking small steps towards accomplishments is a powerful tool in achieving long-term success. I think everyone is sick of hearing me say “set small goals to set yourself up for success, make them accessible and sustainable or else you will give up on them”. Write about a goal you have been working towards but have struggled to make progress on. What small (even smaller) steps can you take towards this goal? How can you break it down into manageable chunks? How will you celebrate your progress along the way? Reflect on the power of small steps in your life and how you can use them to achieve your goals.

Finally, reflect on the relationship between accountability and taking small steps towards accomplishments. How do these two concepts work together to help you achieve your goals? What strategies can you use to hold yourself accountable while also taking small, manageable steps towards success? Write about the mindset shifts and habits you can develop to make progress towards your dreams while holding yourself accountable along the way.

What is one small goal you are working on in therapy right now?  What is the very first step of that small goal and how can you hold yourself accountable to get started on that this week by Saturday?

Journal Prompt: The Coexistence of Grief and Joy during Life Transitions

Oftentimes, when we think about grief, we think about loss.  But there are some moments in our life where we are moving forward in something, gaining something, or even feeling joy at the anticipation of a new experience, which can also create a sense of grief for us.  Grief and joy can coexist and it is not uncommon to feel both feelings at the same time. Life transitions for example can bring up a lot of emotions, including grief. Write about a time in your life when you experienced a significant life transition and how it impacted your sense of joy. Did you feel a sense of loss or sadness as you left one phase of your life for the next? How did you cope with those feelings?

Reflect on the ways in which grief can impact your joy during life transitions. Do you find yourself holding onto the past, wishing things could stay the same? Or are you able to embrace change and find joy in new experiences? How might your approach to grief during life transitions impact your ability to find joy in the present moment?

Consider ways in which you can support yourself through the grieving process during life transitions. What self-care practices can you implement to help you move through feelings of loss and sadness? Are there people in your life who can support you during this time? How can you communicate your needs to them? Write about any insights or ideas you have for how to navigate grief during life transitions in a way that allows you to find joy and fulfillment in the next phase of your life.