People often report feeling disconnected from their lives, whether that means from their friends, family, community, or even themselves. It is always a good time to think about your connections and are they serving you in ways you currently need? It’s possible some of these connections are more in line with who you were in a previous phase of your life and at this time you can let them go. Or it may seem as if you need to pull some of your connections a bit closer. Take a moment to think about your feelings and how they impact your friendships and day to day life, it can also be productive to start thinking about whether you feel connected to the ways in which you spend your days.
In order to start looking at some of those connections in a way that is more aligned with who you are now, as opposed to who we may have been just a few years ago, I think it might help to first navigate through the thought process of connecting to ourselves. Read through the list of questions and as you do, which are easy to answer and which are more challenging? Are there any that you would answer differently now as opposed to pre-pandemic? Take a few moments to see if some of these questions hold more weight in your life now that you would have anticipated.
What are some ways I can connect to my environment?
What are some ways I can connect to my community?
What are some ways I can connect to my close friends and family?
Name a time I felt very connected to other people.
When was a time that I felt left out?
What can I do if I feel disconnected to others or left out?
What does it feel like when I’m connected to a group of people?
What types of connections am I looking for now?
How am I connected to my peers at work/school?