This journal prompt is also a mindfulness practice that I’ve done many times over the years with people and in general it’s a good one to practice, especially this time of year when we might be feeling a bit chaotic and saturated with all of our responsibilities. It’s called Kind Thoughts. The goal is to try and do this practice maybe 2-3 times during the week and then journal about your experience. If you want to journal before trying it and then again afterwards, that’s a great idea too. Do whatever works for you.
Sit on the floor or a chair in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Pretend in your mind that someone you care about very much walks into the room and sits right next to you. Notice what it feels like to sit with this person and how they make you feel. Let's send this person some good wishes and kind thoughts. Let's send them happiness, health, safety, and kindness. How does it feel to send these wishes to this person? Was it easy to do or hard to do?
Now let's imagine in our mind that someone who we find a little bit annoying or frustrating walks into the room and sits next to you. Notice what it feels like to sit with this person and how they make you feel. Let's send this person some good wishes and kind thoughts. Let's send them happiness, health, safety, and kindness. How does it feel to send these wishes to this person? Was it easy to do or hard to do? Was it different when it was someone we didn’t feel as positively about?
Now let's imagine in our mind that we are sitting in front of a mirror. Imagine opening your eyes and looking at yourself in the mirror. Notice what it feels like to sit with yourself and how you feel about yourself. Let's send ourselves some good wishes and kind thoughts. Let’s send happiness, health, safety, and kindness. How does it feel to send these wishes to ourselves? Was it easy or hard to do? Was it different than when it was to someone else?
Notice how you feel after sending all these wishes out and take a few deep breaths and then gently open your eyes.
May you be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you be peaceful.
May you be safe.