New Season, New Office, New Offering

Hello! Hope everyone’s transition from summer to fall is going well. I have some news…

After two and a half years of virtual therapy from a dark corner in my house, I am excited to announce that I am back in the office! I have moved to a new location (just down the street) and I am super excited to finally see everyone in person again! I am still in Pennington, but now I am on Main Street in the Howe Commons for those of you familiar with the area.

I have some more news…

I know so many people have been through the ringer the past few years and I think it’s fair to say that taking care of our mental health was put on the back burner a bit. I’ve seen articles and studies on our “new normal” since March 2020 and I think it’s fair to say that none of what we experienced was normal and nothing is new at this point, it’s simply been a slog through to where we find ourselves now. And I’m also hearing that the wait lists for mental health services are long and stressful, thus I am offering free 20 minute mental health checkups for anyone who hasn’t seen me in over 3 months or any new clients. You are under no obligation to book a session with me after the checkup, but if you want to resume/start sessions afterwards, of course you are welcome to, as I have a few open spots now that I’m back in my office. My goal is simply to do a check-in and make sure everyone is ok and maybe provide some direction if needed. The checkups will be available through my portal on Monday mornings during September and October and will be virtual. It will entail us going through a list of things with you to see where you are at, and to answer any questions or review any concerns that have been on your mind lately.

As always, I hope you are well and I look forward to catching up with those of you who I haven’t seen in a while! Even if you’ve moved on to a new phase of life, you know I love hearing from you.

Interested in connecting? Here’s the link to my online scheduler, if you have any trouble with it just send me an email at

Chat soon!


Hello Florida!!

I’ve got a little news to share, I am now a licensed telehealth provider for anyone in the state of Florida! Due to some needs of my current clients, I went ahead and filed for licensure and now I can see anyone who is located in New Jersey or Florida. This is great for anyone you know who is chasing the sun and living the snowbird life, or someone who goes to college in Florida but is from New Jersey (or vice versa).

Click HERE to schedule a free consultation!

I can’t wait to start seeing some more Florida numbers hitting up my phone!